May 16, 2007

Book Review 1-5

Black Cat
Written by Edgar Allan Poe

There is a man who living with a lot of pets. He is very kind person and his wife is also generous to everyone. They were living pretty happily until a black cat comes. Since they started to have the cat as a pet, the husband began to feel uncomfortable and sick. He was believing that his sickness comes from the cat. Soon, he had started to treat him coldly. He doesn’t feed him as before, he doesn’t let him comes closer anymore, and even sometimes hits him around. Finally, he hangs the cat with a rope because the cat was about to make him falls from stairs. Few days later, to the man surprise, he began to miss the black cat which he had killed on the contrary. Then, he began to find another cat to fill out his desire. One day, when the man is about to fall to sleep, he found a black cat who is really looks like the dead one. He was so surprised and pleasant. He surely started to live with the cat as a pet, but he did not know that it is the curse of the dead cat at that time.

May 13, 2007

English Service

After the part time job, I visited to church as usual. But there was no service today. Instead of it, a piano concert was hold at same place. Siegfried Tepper, the pianist, was born in Germany. Before the concert begin, he said his English is not well, but it’s not true because he speaks very fluently. During the concert is holding, he played five to six famous classic tunes. To my surprise, he told us that he had broken his left hand by an accident once. He even had thought about retirement. But now, as we saw, he came over the accident splendidly and started to living as a pianist just like before! It’s a really amusing story, isn’t it?
After the concert, the pastor announced about a English bible class which they’ll be holding as soon as they prepared. I might join to the class if I can.

Today's movie #3


There’s a young, beautiful lady named Stella. She was not educated so well, but everyone loves her because of her nature cheerful character. One day, Stella had noticed that she’s conceived. Steve, the baby’s father, asked her to marriage. But she said no because Stella believes that she can raise her baby by herself. Some days later, Stella gave birth to the girl who looks like her mother very well. Stella was much pleased to start a new life with her baby girl, Jenny. But the more Jenny grows up, the more Stella feels sorry because she can not give her girl a good education. As Jenny began to hang out with juvenile delinquents, Stella decided to send her away to Steve’s place. It was a painful decision for the mother who really loves her child, but it was only way to make Jenny rehabilitated.

The movie is very impressive. I was almost crying when the last scene began! I even think Bette Meddler, who played Stella, is the most able actress in the entire world.
Now I REALLY recommend this fantastic film. Yes, I mean it.

If you want to read more reviews about this movie, try to click the picture upside.