Dec 6, 2007

Book Review 2-6


I have read this book named “Jumanji” last week. The story of this book is about a boy who was trapped in a strange board game called “Jumanji”. The boy, Alan, spend almost thirty years of his life in a dangerous jungle until a couple of kids release him from the board game. The kids who helped Alan were Peter and Judy. Both of them are much younger then Alan because Alan is a middle aged man when he returned home. In the fact, Peter and Judy did not just release Alan from “Jumanji”, but the other animals who were living in the island. The town where they live was damaged because of the parade of the animals and Peter, Judy and Alan have to send them back to where they came from by playing the board game until the end.

I remember the movie was also great. You will find DVD or video in any rental store.