Oct 3, 2007

Movie Review 2-1 (15)

I am so glad that I finally gained a chance to write a post about one of my favorite called “Toy Story”. I have watched this movie thousand times since the first day I watched it.
This movie is one of epics in entire CG animation movies history. I remember this movie was released in middle of nineties and had surprised many people by its amazing computer graphics at that time. In fact, computer graphics are not out of common for people because “Jurassic Park”, which was hitting in the theaters before “Toy Story”, had already made people know how wonderful CG is. However, this “Toy Story” is totally different to “Jurassic Park” because its every single scene was made by CG and there is no real person appeared in the movie. Nowadays, a lot of animation films took this style over from “Toy Story”.
Well, the voices over casts in this film are also great. Tom Hunks, who gained his fame by appearing in “Saturday Night Live”, played Woody the leading character of film and Tim Allen, the one of most famous comedians in United States, took charge of Buzz Lightyear (the partner of Woody) ‘s voice. At that time, Tim Allen was really popular because of his hit TV situation comedy named “Home Improvement”, so I guess that people headed to theater for him. To tell the truth, I like this movie because I am a huge fan of “Home Improvement”, also. Speaking of Tom Hunks, well, I don’t know about him so much so I am not able to introduce him to you. If you are interested in him or his acting, I think you would better to check “Forest Gump” or “The Big”.

Casts of "Home Improvement".

Now back on topic of Tim Allen. As many people know, he was a stand-up comedian while he was relatively young. His famous comedy show, “Men are Pigs” changed his life and made him a national icon in early nineties. Then he started to own his TV show named “Home Improvement” as Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor. Soon the TV show became extremely popular and it was broadcasted until 1998. Tim Allen is also known as Tim “The Cocaine Man” Taylor because of his criminal record for selling cocaine when he was a young man. In late nineties, he was arrested for speeding and drink-driving … again.

"Gee, life is messy, isn’t it?"

Juppun wa jubun

Well, I would love to introduce about one of my favorite TV show in this ten minutes. It called “Home Improvement”. For some people, it is pretty famous because it was a big hit in united states a couple years ago. The show was about one car guy named Tim Taylor who played by the well-known, Tim Allen. People in the show also call him “The Tool Man” because he own a local TV show, “The Tool Time”. He is full of humors and makes many people laughter in the show. His wife, Jill, is a middle-aged college student who is tying to be a therapist and has three boys as her and his children. Usually, their cordially life are very peaceful, but they also get very chaotic sometime.

Oct 2, 2007


Guess what? I finally bought the DVD of my favorite TV show called “Saturday Night Live”. These DVDs include the complete first season of show and a lot of special features. Unfortunately they contain no English subtitles, but a nice teacher who always carrying his favorite beard told me a helpful website so I can find all of scripts of the show. Thank you so much, Mister!
Speaking of “SNL”, the second DVD will be released in December this winter and its front cover seems … very creepy:

Portrait of Conehead family.