Nov 21, 2007

A New Roll Playing Game

I bought a video game called “Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion” t. I wish I could find some time to play it on this week end even though I have a lot of assignments.
Recently I also play “Wizardry” series when I am not busy. The world-view of the game is so cool!

Book Review 2-8

Full Monty
W. Holden

This story is about six guys who live in Sheffield, England. In their home town, there are many people get quite aggrieved by the fact that their disemployments. Gaz is also a poor man who has no job. He needs seven-hundred ponds to keep the joint custody between Gaz and Mandy the ex-wife. He tried to steal polls from a closed factory, but it was not gone successful. One day, Gaz saw a group of male strippers. As he noticed that every woman was giving a glad cry to them. Gaz found that is exactly what he should do to earn money. He bided his friend Lomper who tried killing himself by gas suicide. Then those two found some people who would be strip dancers with them and they got naked at front of four-hundred women.

Nov 18, 2007

Movie Reviwe 2-4


Daniel Hillard is an unsuccessful actor. Daniel has no job and no money, but he treats his small children very kindly because they mean so much to him. His wife, Miranda, who has been disquieted him since long time ago.
One day, Daniel and Miranda held a party on their son's birthday. The party should be a very delightful one, however, Daniel caused a big trouble that is bad enough to break his own son's spirit. At same night, Miranda bids good-bye to her marriage, which means Daniel and Miranda won't be live together anymore. The children were handed over to their Miranda because the mother makes money more than the father does. In addition, court decided that Daniel was not allowed to see his children more than once a week. Needless to say, he felt it is the end of world because the kids are very important to him.
Several days later, Daniel found a ad during he's reading the news paper. The ad says, Miranda needs a babysitter to take care her kids and it has to be a woman. As soon as Daniel read the ad, he got a plan. He asked his older brother to make him up as an old England lady so he can become a babysitter to see his children again. Finally, Daniel was employed and Miranda doesn't know who she really is. Daniel called himself Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire because he found article in new paper which says "Doubt Fire".
I remember very clearly that I have watched this movie when I was young as Daniel's children. I knew nothing about Robin Williams at that time, but I really enjoyed his funny acting. Robin Williams also appeared in a great comedy movie called "The Fathers Day" with Billy Crystal. Both of them are my favorite actors.
Another famous actor who acted in this movie is Pierce Brosnan. He is known as James Bond among movie fans, but he appeared in this "Mrs. Doubtfire" before he got his fame by playing in 007 movies. I believe that many people in Japan don't know that Mr. Brosnan played the main character in a famous drama series named "Remington Steele".