Oct 10, 2007

Videos that i bought today

"The Dream Team"
"Blame It on the Bellboy"
"Taking Care of Business"
"Romeo and Juliet" (for assignment)

"Taking Care of Business(ファイロファックス/トラブル手帳で大逆転)" is one of Jim Belushi’s works. I really like the way he acts because he reminds me of his dead brother, John. The co-starring star, Charles Grodin also has done a great job in the movie. I am a fun of him even though he was nominated as “Worst Supporting Actor” for his role in a Ceavy Chase movie called “Neil Simon’s Seems Like Old Times” in early eighties.

Oct 9, 2007

Book Review 2-2

Mr. Scrooge is an old, white haired man. What he believes is money and what he does is making more and more money. He doesn’t love anyone in this entire world, even his family. As Christmas season comes, three ghosts appeared and showed Scrooge his past days and positive future as visions to let him know how wrong his life was. Finally, Mr. Scrooge made a big change to his life and became a better person who treats everyone kindly.

This book remains me Bill Murray because he had played Mr. Scrooge in a movie named “Scrooged”. In the movie, Bill plays a selfish TV executive producer who struggles in the ratings. He doesn’t feel to celebrate Christmas as an ordinary person because he thinks work harder and making more money are most important things in his life. He even refuses his younger brother’s invitation to Christmas party in. One day, Bill met his ex-girlfriend accidentally. The ex-girlfriend, who was played by Karen Allen, works at a volunteer group and was very disappointed him because Bill became a man who only cares money. At the end, the two understood each other with the help of three ghosts.
As you see, there is a big difference between “The Christmas Carol” and “Scrooged”. if you have read the book, I think you would better to watch “Scrooged” too because many famous stars were appearing in the movie, such as Robert Mitchum.
Bill Murray and Carol Kane in "Scrooged".