Nov 21, 2007

Book Review 2-8

Full Monty
W. Holden

This story is about six guys who live in Sheffield, England. In their home town, there are many people get quite aggrieved by the fact that their disemployments. Gaz is also a poor man who has no job. He needs seven-hundred ponds to keep the joint custody between Gaz and Mandy the ex-wife. He tried to steal polls from a closed factory, but it was not gone successful. One day, Gaz saw a group of male strippers. As he noticed that every woman was giving a glad cry to them. Gaz found that is exactly what he should do to earn money. He bided his friend Lomper who tried killing himself by gas suicide. Then those two found some people who would be strip dancers with them and they got naked at front of four-hundred women.

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